Perform genome build liftover to one or more GRanges objects at once.
A named list of GRanges objects, or simply a single unlisted GRanges object. Can perform liftover within species or across species.
The genome build of grlist
Desired genome build for
to be lifted over to.
Chromosome style, set by seqlevelsStyle.
"UCSC" : Uses the chromosome style "chr1".
"NCBI" : Uses the chromosome style "1"
Which chromosomes to keep.
Return as a GRangesList.
Print messages.
Named list of lifted GRanges objects.
grlist <- list("gr1"=GenomicRanges::GRanges("4:1-100000"),
grlist_lifted <- liftover_grlist(grlist = grlist,
input_build = "hg19",
#> Preparing chain file.
#> loading from cache
#> require(“rtracklayer”)
#> Performing liftover: hg19 --> hg38
#> Removing non-standard chromosomes.