Run cell-type enrichment analysis on a GWAS previously mapped to genes (using map_snps_to_genes) while controlling for certain cell-types. This allows one to conduct cell-type enrichment analyses while controlling for the strongest cell-type-specific signatures. Which cell-types are controlled for can be specified by either of the following arguments:
selects the top N mostly significantly enriched cell-types.
A user-provided list of cell-types
present in the ctd
Three sets of analyses are run:
Baseline enrichment resultsNo conditioning.
Conditional results: separate conditioning on each specified cell-type separately
Conditional results: grouped conditioning all specified cell-types at once.
ctd_species = infer_ctd_species(ctd),
gwas_sumstats_path = NULL,
magma_dir = NULL,
analysis_name = "MainRun",
prepare_ctd = TRUE,
upstream_kb = 35,
downstream_kb = 10,
controlledAnnotLevel = 1,
controlTopNcells = NA,
controlledCTs = NA,
EnrichmentMode = "Linear",
qvalue_thresh = 0.05,
force_new = FALSE,
version = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
Cell type data structure containing
Species name relevant to the CellTypeDataset (ctd
See list_species for all available species.
If ctd_species=NULL
the ctd
species will automatically
be inferred using infer_species.
File path of the summary statistics file.
Path to folder containing the pre-computed MAGMA GWAS files (.gsa.rawand .gsa.out).
Used in file names which area created.
Whether to run
prepare_quantile_groups on the ctd
How many kb upstream of the gene should SNPs be included?
How many kb downstream of the gene should SNPs be included?
Which annotation level should be controlled for.
How many of the most significant cell types at that annotation level should be controlled for?
Array of the celltype to be controlled for,
e.g. c('Interneuron type 16','Medium Spiny Neuron')
[Optional] Should either 'Linear' or 'Top 10%' mode be used for testing enrichment?
Multiple-testing corrected p-value threshold to filter by when determining which celltypes to condition with.
[Optional] Force new MAGMA analyses even if the pre-existing results files are detected.
MAGMA version to use.
Print messages.
A concatenated results table containing:
Baseline enrichment results.
Conditional results: conditioning on each specified cell-type individually.
Conditional results: conditioning all specified cell-types at once.
#### Prepare cell-type data ####
ctd <- ewceData::ctd()
#> see ?ewceData and browseVignettes('ewceData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#### Prepare GWAS MAGMA data ####
magma_dir <- MAGMA.Celltyping::import_magma_files(ids = "ieu-a-298")
#> Using built-in example files: ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN
#> Returning MAGMA directories.
#### Run pipeline ####
ctAssocs <- calculate_conditional_celltype_associations(
ctd = ctd,
controlledAnnotLevel = 1,
controlTopNcells = 1,
qvalue_thresh = 1,
magma_dir = magma_dir,
ctd_species = "mouse",
force = TRUE)
#> WARNING: Setting qvalue_thresh>0.05 is not reccommended in practice.
#> Installed MAGMA version: v1.10
#> Skipping MAGMA installation.
#> The desired_version of MAGMA is currently installed: v1.10
#> Using: magma_v1.10
#> Standardising CellTypeDataset
#> Found 5 matrix types across 2 CTD levels.
#> Processing level: 1
#> Processing level: 2
#> Converting to sparse matrix.
#> Converting to sparse matrix.
#> Installed MAGMA version: v1.10
#> Skipping MAGMA installation.
#> The desired_version of MAGMA is currently installed: v1.10
#> Using: magma_v1.10
#> ctd is already standardised. Returning original ctd.
#> Set force_standardise=TRUE to re-standardise.
#> Converting to sparse matrix.
#> Converting to sparse matrix.
#> Running MAGMA: Linear mode
#> Mapping gene symbols in specificity_quantiles matrix to entrez IDs.
#> Reading enrichment results file into R.
#> Running MAGMA: Linear mode
#> Mapping gene symbols in specificity_quantiles matrix to entrez IDs.
#> Reading enrichment results file into R.
#> Mapping gene symbols in specificity_quantiles matrix to entrez IDs.
#> Mapping gene symbols in specificity_quantiles matrix to entrez IDs.
#> magma
#> --gene-results '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.genes.raw'
#> --gene-covar '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/file888b4ce2c11c'
#> --model direction=pos condition='oligodendrocytes'
#> --out '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.level1.35UP.10DOWN.Linear.ControlFor_oligodendrocytes'
#> Reading enrichment results file into R.
#> magma
#> --gene-results '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.genes.raw'
#> --gene-covar '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/file888b4ce2c11c'
#> --model direction=pos condition='oligodendrocytes'
#> --out '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.level1.35UP.10DOWN.ControlFor_oligodendrocytes'
#> Reading enrichment results file into R.
#> Mapping gene symbols in specificity_quantiles matrix to entrez IDs.
#> magma
#> --gene-results '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.genes.raw'
#> --gene-covar '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/file888b4657f6dd'
#> --model direction=pos condition='oligodendrocytes'
#> --out '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.level2.35UP.10DOWN.Linear.ControlFor_oligodendrocytes'
#> Reading enrichment results file into R.
#> magma
#> --gene-results '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.genes.raw'
#> --gene-covar '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/file888b4657f6dd'
#> --model direction=pos condition='oligodendrocytes'
#> --out '/tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Files/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN/ieu-a-298.tsv.gz.35UP.10DOWN.level2.35UP.10DOWN.ControlFor_oligodendrocytes'
#> Reading enrichment results file into R.