Assumes that you have already run map_snps_to_genes.
gwas_sumstats_path = NULL,
magma_dir = NULL,
upstream_kb = 35,
downstream_kb = 10,
geneset_species = "mouse",
version = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
Genes which are to be tested. Can be gene symbols (or other gene IDs) from any species listed in list_species.
File path of the summary statistics file.
Path to folder containing the pre-computed MAGMA GWAS files (.gsa.rawand .gsa.out).
Used in file names which area created.
How many kb upstream of the gene should SNPs be included?
How many kb downstream of the gene should SNPs be included?
Species that the geneset
came from.
Can be any species listed in list_species.
If geneset_species!="human"
, the geneset
will be converted
to 1:1 human orthologs using convert_orthologs.
MAGMA version to use.
Print messages.
Filepath for the genes.out file.