Generate a dev container config file to set up a GitHub Codespace.
template = "devcontainer.json",
image = "",
features = list(`` = list()),
customizations = list(vscode = list(settings = list(), extensions =
list("reditorsupport.r", "visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode",
save_dir = here::here(".devcontainer"),
path = file.path(save_dir, template),
force_new = FALSE,
show = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
Dev container config template to use.
Base Docker image to use for the Codespace.
Named list of features to add to the Codespace. See here for details.
Named list of customizations to add to the Codespace. See here for details.
Directory to save the file to.
Path to the file.
If the file already exists, overwrite it
(default: FALSE
Print the contents of the file in the R console.
Print messages.
Path to dev container config file.
path <- use_codespace(save_dir=tempdir())
#> Creating new dev container config file ==> /tmp/Rtmp8XWz2R/devcontainer.json