Creates a "Get started" rmarkdown vignette file.
package = names(get_description()),
title = "Get started",
vignette_index_entry = package,
save_dir = here::here(),
path = file.path(save_dir, "vignettes", paste0(package, ".Rmd")),
output = "BiocStyle::html_document",
force_new = FALSE,
show = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
R package name.
Title of vignette.
Index entry of the vignette, which is used when creating the navigation bar in the pkgdown site.
Directory to save the file to.
Path to the file.
Vignette output style. Defaults to html_document.
If the file already exists, overwrite it
(default: FALSE
Print the contents of the file in the R console.
Print messages.
Path to vignette file.
path <- use_vignette_getstarted(package = "mypackage",
## use default save_dir in practice
save_dir = tempdir())
#> Creating new vignette file ==> /tmp/Rtmp8XWz2R/vignettes/mypackage.Rmd