Annotate each HPO with modifier terms, including (but not limited to) progression and severity ratings. In order of increasing severity:
HP:0012825 "Mild" (Severity_score=4)
HP:0012827 "Borderline" (Severity_score=3)
HP:0012828 "Severe" (Severity_score=2)
HP:0012829"Profound" (Severity_score=1)
hpo = get_hpo(),
all.x = TRUE,
allow.cartesian = FALSE,
severity_threshold = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
dataframe of phenotypes and values / parameters.
Human Phenotype Ontology object, loaded from ontologyIndex.
logical; if TRUE
, then extra rows will be added to the
output, one for each row in x
that has no matching row in y
These rows will have 'NA's in those columns that are usually filled with values
from y
. The default is FALSE
, so that only rows with data from both
and y
are included in the output.
See allow.cartesian
in [.data.table
Only keep phenotypes with a mean
severity score (averaged across multiple associated diseases) below the
set threshold. The severity score ranges from 1-4 where 1 is the MOST severe.
Include NA
if you wish to retain phenotypes that
do not have any severity score.
Print messages.
phenos data.table with extra columns
phenos <- example_phenos()
#> ℹ All local files already up-to-date!
phenos2 <- add_severity(phenos = phenos)
#> Annotating phenos with modifiers
#> Annotating phenos with Disease
#> Reading cached RDS file: phenotype.hpoa
#> + Version: v2023-10-09