This is a function for loading the HPO phenotype to genes text file from HPO. It adds the column names and returns as a dataframe. It contains phenotypes annotated with associated genes.
file = c("phenotype_to_genes.txt", "genes_to_phenotype.txt", "phenotype.hpoa"),
save_dir = file.path(KGExplorer::cache_dir(package = "HPOExplorer"), "data"),
repo = paste("obophenotype", "human-phenotype-ontology", sep = "/"),
tag = "latest",
overwrite = FALSE,
save_tmp = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
name or vector of names of files to be downloaded. If NULL
all assets attached to the release will be downloaded.
Folder where the phenotype to genes text file is/will be stored.
Repository name in format "owner/repo". Defaults to guess_repo()
tag for the GitHub release to which this data should be attached.
Should any local files of the same name be overwritten?
default TRUE
Keep the intermediate annotation text file (before it gets converted to .rds format).
Print messages.
A data.table of the HPO annotations.
phenotype_to_genes <- load_phenotype_to_genes()
#> Reading cached RDS file: phenotype_to_genes.txt
#> + Version: v2025-01-16