This uses the network package to coerce the adjacency matrix into a network object. It also adds the fold change, label, and relative ontology level parameters to each node in the network.

  hpo = get_hpo(),
  adjacency = adjacency_matrix(terms = phenos$hpo_id, hpo = hpo),
  colour_var = "fold_change",
  add_ont_lvl_absolute = FALSE,
  cols = list_columns(extra_cols = c(colour_var, grep("_count$|_values$", names(phenos),
    value = TRUE))),
  layout = "fruchtermanreingold",
  verbose = TRUE,



dataframe of phenotypes and values / parameters.


Human Phenotype Ontology object, loaded from ontologyIndex.


An adjacency matrix generated by adjacency_matrix.


The column from phenos that you wish to map to node colour.


Add the absolute ontology level of each HPO term. See get_ont_lvls for more details.


Columns to add to metadata of ggnetwork object.


a network layout supplied by gplot.layout, such as "fruchtermanreingold" (the default), or a two-column matrix with as many rows as there are nodes in the network, in which case the matrix is used as nodes coordinates.


Print messages.


Arguments passed on to ggnetwork::ggnetwork


an object of class network or igraph, or any object that can be coerced to that class, such as an adjacency or incidence matrix, or an edge list: see edgeset.constructors and network for details.


A igraph object.


It expects there to be a column of HPO IDs in the phenos dataframe called hpo_id.


phenos <- make_phenos_dataframe(ancestor = "Neurodevelopmental delay")
#>  All local files already up-to-date!
#> Reading cached RDS file: phenotype_to_genes.txt
#> + Version: v2023-10-09
#> Extracting data for 23 descendents.
#> Computing gene counts.
#> Getting absolute ontology level for 23 HPO IDs.
#> Computing ontology level / gene count ratio.
#> Adding term definitions.
#>  All local files already up-to-date!
#> Adding level-3 ancestor to each HPO ID.
#>  All local files already up-to-date!
g <- make_igraph_object(phenos = phenos)
#> Making phenotype network object.
#> Creating adjacency matrix for 23 term(s).
#>  All local files already up-to-date!
#> Creating ggnetwork object.
#> Adding new_column='hpo_name'
#> Adding new_column='hpo_id'
#> Adding new_column='ontLvl'
#> Adding new_column='ontLvl_geneCount_ratio'
#> Adding new_column='definition'
#> Adding new_column='ancestor'
#> Adding new_column='ancestor_name'
#> Adding n_edges per node.
#> Creating igraph object.