Gather enrichment results from celltype_associations_pipeline and converted them into harmonised, machine-readable tables.
level = 1,
dataset_name = NULL,
species = "mouse",
filetype = "ctAssocMerged",
q_thresh = NULL,
method = "fdr",
save_dir = tempdir(),
verbose = TRUE
The output of celltype_associations_pipeline.
Which level in the CellTypeDataset (CTD) to show results for.
[Optional] Name of the CellTypeDataset (CTD).
Species that the CellTypeDataset (CTD) came from.
Type of analysis to gather the results of. These correspond to the modes of data analysis in celltype_associations_pipeline:
: Linear mode results.
: Top 10% mode results.
: Merged linear and top 10% results.
: Conditional results.
Note: Only those analyses that were actually run in celltype_associations_pipeline can be retrieved.
Multiple-testing corrected p-value (q-value) filtering threshold.
correction method, a character
Can be abbreviated.
Directory to save the gathered results to.
Print messages.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#### Use precomputed results: see ?enrichment_results for details ####
MAGMA_results <- MAGMA.Celltyping::enrichment_results
#### Merge results ####
merged_res <- MAGMA.Celltyping::merge_results(MAGMA_results)
} # }