GWAS Summary Statistics on Educational Attainment by Okbay et al 2016: PMID: 27898078 PMCID: PMC5509058 DOI: 10.1038/ng1216-1587b. A subset of 93 SNPs


txt document with 94 items


The summary statistics file was downloaded from and formatted to a .rda with the following: #Get example dataset, use Educational-Attainment_Okbay_2016 link<-"Educational-Attainment_Okbay_2016/EduYears_Discovery_5000.txt" eduAttainOkbay<-readLines(link,n=100) #There is an issue where values end with .0, this 0 is removed in func #There are also SNPs not on ref genome or arebi/tri allelic #So need to remove these in this dataset as its used for testing tmp <- tempfile() writeLines(eduAttainOkbay,con=tmp) eduAttainOkbay <- data.table::fread(tmp) #DT read removes the .0's #remove those not on ref genome and withbi/tri allelic rmv <- c("rs192818565","rs79925071","rs1606974","rs1871109", "rs73074378","rs7955289") eduAttainOkbay <- eduAttainOkbay[!MarkerName data.table::fwrite(eduAttainOkbay,file=tmp,sep="\t") eduAttainOkbay <- readLines(tmp) writeLines(eduAttainOkbay,"inst/extdata/eduAttainOkbay.txt")


GWAS Summary Statistics on Educational Attainment by Okbay et al 2016 has been subsetted here to act as an example summary statistic file which has some issues in the formatting. MungeSumstats can correct these issues.
