Call peaks from a bedGraph or bigWig file using multiple methods.
By default, it automatically infers a reasonable
threshold as well.
Note :
MACS3/MACSr is not currently compatible with Windows
(see here
for details).
call_peaks_method = "MACSr",
cutoff = NULL,
minlen = 200L,
maxgap = 30L,
call_summits = TRUE,
trackline = TRUE,
log = TRUE,
outdir = tempdir(),
outputfile = "MACSr.peaks.bed",
return_path = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
Path to bedGraph file. Can instead provide a bigWig file, but this will first be converted to bedGraph format, which can take some time if trying to convert data from across the entire genome.
Method to call peaks with:
"MACSr" : Uses MACS3 via bdgpeakcall.
Cutoff depends on which method you used for score track.
If the file contains pvalue scores from MACS3, score 5 means pvalue 1e-5.
, a reasonable cutoff
value will be inferred
through a cutoff_analysis
minimum length of peak, better to set it as d value. DEFAULT: 200", default = 200.
maximum gap between significant points in a peak, better to set it as tag size. DEFAULT: 30", default = 30.
If set, MACS will use a more sophisticated approach to find all summits in each enriched peak region DEFAULT: False",default=False.
Tells MACS not to include trackline with bedGraph files. The trackline is required by UCSC.
Whether to capture logs.
Directory to store cutoff_analysis
report and peak file in.
Name of the peak output file (stored in BED format).
Whether to return the path to the saved peak file, or the peak data itself as a GRanges object.
Print messages.
GRanges or path to save peaks file.
#### Get bedGraph subset ####
## Normally, you'd call peaks on the entire chromosome,
## or even the whole genome. But for demo purposes we'll just use one locus.
gsm <- "GSM4703766"
links <- PeakyFinders:::get_geo_links(gsm = gsm)
#> Determining available file types.
#> Found file link(s) for 1 category.
#> bedgraph :
#> >>>
query_granges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("chr6:165169213-167169213")
gr <- rtracklayer::import(con = links$bedgraph,
which = query_granges)
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".bedgraph")
rtracklayer::export.bedGraph(object = gr, con = tmp)
#### Call peaks ####
peaks <- PeakyFinders::call_peaks(bedgraph_path = tmp)
#> File already in bedGraph format.
#> Analyzing cutoff thresholds.
#> INFO:root:Read and build bedGraph...
#> INFO:root:Analyze cutoff vs number of peaks/total length of peaks/average length of peak
#> INFO:root:Write report...
#> INFO:root:Done
#> Calling peaks.
#> INFO:root:Read and build bedGraph...
#> INFO:root:Call peaks from bedGraph...
#> INFO:root:Write peaks...
#> INFO:root:Done
#> 11 peaks called.