Obtain box plots for the correlations of all celltypes, and the mean correlations at a specified cutoff p-value
alphaval = 0.25,
numPerms = 5,
numSubsets = 5,
sexDEGs = FALSE,
fontsize_yaxislabels = 12,
fontsize_yaxisticks = 9,
fontsize_title = 14,
fontsize_legendlabels = 9,
fontsize_legendtitle = 9,
fontsize_facet_labels = 9,
output_path = getwd()
(named) list of correlation matrices for each celltype with the final element being the mean correlation matrix, all at specified p-value
total number of real datasets (most likely the number of studies, but sometimes a study may be split e.g. into 2 brain regions, so in this case it would be the number of studies plus 1)
the cut-off p-value which was used to select DEGs
(alpha) transparency of the non-mean boxplots
number of random permutations of the dataset used to select significant DEGs from
number of pairs of random subsets of the dataset used to select significant DEGs from
true if DEGs come from sex chromosomes, else false
font size for axis labels in plot
font size for axis tick labels in plot
font size for plot title
font size for legend labels in plot
font size for legend title in plot
font size for facet labels
base path in which outputs will be stored
box plots for correlation matrices at a certain p-value cut-off, sorted by celltype and then type of correlation