All functions |
Perform differential expression analysis across cell types based on single cell data with Pseudobulk approach. Returns the results of this differential expression analysis |
For a given down-sampled DGE analysis output, computes the correlation of the log-foldchange of the DEGs (at specified p-value) for a given dataset (celltype) |
Runs correlation analysis pipeline |
Obtain box plots for the correlations of all celltypes, and the mean correlations at a specified cutoff p-value |
Differential Expression Analysis using edgeR LRT on pseudobulk data |
Downsample the dataset, based either on the individuals or cells, and run DE analysis on each downsampled output. Save results in a dataframe |
Create correlation plots of the effect sizes of the top 1000 and top 500 DEGs |
Obtain the range of values to downsample at (either for individuals, or mean number of cells per individual) |
Collate DEGs detected in DGE analysis outputs, across all celltypes in a dataset (datasets/DGE analysis outputs should have common celltypes as specified below) |
Calculate the summed pseudobulk values for an SCE object based on one single cell type only. Ensure to filter SCE to pass one cell type's data. |
Computes the correlation of the log-foldchange of the DEGs (at specified p-value) for a given celltype, across all datasets |
Create differential expression analysis plots. Run by DGE_analysis() |
Obtain the average correlation (across celltypes) at a specified cutoff p-value |
Runs entire power analysis pipeline |
Create plots for power analysis, with down-sampling based either on the individuals or cells |
Create preliminary plots for data exploration |
Obtain overall percentage overlap between DEGs from bulk data (DE across all tissues) and various scRNA-seq datasets, across all cell types |
Obtain percentage overlap between DEGs from bulk data (DE across all tissues) and various scRNA-seq datasets, for a specified cell type |
Obtain highly randomised permutations of a specified dataset (based on sex labels), while maintaining consistency with the sample ID |
Sample the data for a specified mean number of cells (per sample) from the dataset |
Sample the data for a specified number of individuals from the dataset |
Given a DGE analysis output, this outputs a subset of the analysis with the genes laying only on the sex chromosomes (X/Y) |
Obtain independent pairs of subsets of a specified dataset, based on sample ID |
Tests input parameters for functions |
Tests input parameters for functions |
Validate that there are no user input errors for the differential expression analysis - |
Tests input parameters for functions |
Create correlation plots of the effect sizes, between random permutations and subsets of a given dataset |