Obtain overall percentage overlap between DEGs from bulk data (DE across all tissues) and various scRNA-seq datasets, across all cell types
bulk_cutoff = 0.9,
pvalue = 0.05,
fontsize_axislabels = 12,
fontsize_axisticks = 9,
fontsize_title = 14,
fontsize_legendlabels = 9,
fontsize_legendtitle = 9,
plot_title = "placeholder"
DGE analysis output for a bulk RNA-seq dataset: rows (rownames) should be the genes, columns should be tissues, and entries should be significance levels
path storing the down-sampled DGE analysis outputs for each dataset
vector or list containing values which the data will be downsampled at, in ascending order
percentage (proportion), specified so that we select DEGs common across >=bulk_cutoff of the tissues in the Bulk dataset
the cut-off p-value used to select DEGs (for bulk data)
font size for axis labels in plot
font size for axis tick labels in plot
font size for plot title
font size for legend labels in plot
font size for legend title in plot
plot title
plot showing percentage DEGs from bulk data found in each scRNA-seq dataset