For each term, get its ancestor at a given level
and add the ID and name of the ancestor to the ontology metadata.
By default, lower numbers are higher in the ontology
(e.g. level 0 includes the most broad ontology term).
When a terms does not have an ancestor at a given level
(e.g. lvl=3
but the term itself is at level 1) the term is assigned
to itself as its own ancestor.
When a term has multiple ancestors at a given level,
the first ancestor is arbitrarily chosen.
lvl = 2,
include_self = TRUE,
prefix = "ancestor",
fill_na = TRUE,
i = 1,
force_new = FALSE
An ontology of class ontology_DAG.
Depth of the ancestor terms to add. Will get the closest ancestor to this level if none have this exact level.
For dag_offspring()
and dag_ancestors()
, this controls whether to also include the query term itself.
A prefix for the ancestor column names.
, fill ancestor columns with
NA values using the term ID and name.
Index of ancestor to use when more than one is available.
Add the data again even if the associated column already exists.
ont <- get_ontology("hp")
#> ⠙ Iterating 4 done (1.9/s) | 2.1s
#> ⠹ Iterating 6 done (2.3/s) | 2.6s
#> ⠹ Iterating 14 done (3/s) | 4.6s
#> Loading required namespace: piggyback
#> Preparing ontology_index object from:
#> Parsing [Typedef] sections in the obo file [3/3]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [1000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [2000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [3000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [4000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [5000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [6000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [7000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [8000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [9000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [10000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [11000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [12000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [13000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [14000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [15000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [16000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [17000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [18000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [19000/19533]
#> Parsing [Term] sections in the obo file [19533/19533]
#> remove 456 obsolete terms
#> Adding term metadata.
#> IC_method: IC_offspring
#> Adding ancestor metadata.
#> Getting absolute ontology level for 19,077 IDs.
#> 79 ancestors found at level 2
#> Translating ontology terms to names.
#> Translating ontology terms to ids.
#> Converted ontology to: adjacency
#> Getting absolute ontology level for 19,077 IDs.
#> Saving ontology --> /github/home/.cache/R/KGExplorer/hp.rds
ont2 <- add_ancestors(ont, lvl=4)
#> Adding ancestor metadata.
#> Ancestor metadata already present. Use force_new=TRUE to overwrite.