Functions to filter objects
filter_chromosomes(grlist, keep_chr = paste0("chr", c(seq_len(22), "X", "Y")))
filter_dt(dat, filters)
node_filters = list(),
edge_filters = list(),
rm_isolated = TRUE,
size = NULL
from_categories = paste0("biolink:", c("Disease", "PhenotypicFeature",
"GrossAnatomicalStructure", "AnatomicalEntity", "Cell")),
to_categories = from_categories,
edge_categories = NULL,
dbs = NULL,
rm_isolated = TRUE,
as_dt = FALSE
terms = NULL,
remove_terms = NULL,
keep_descendants = NULL,
remove_descendants = NULL,
use_simona = FALSE,
Named list of GRanges objects.
Which chromosomes to keep.
A named list, where each element in the list is the name of a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the values to include in the final data.
ggnetwork object (or an igraph/tbl_graph to be converted to ggnetwork format).
A named list of filters to apply to the node data.
Names should be name of the metadata column, and values should be a vector of
valid options. For example, list("type" = c("gene","variant"))
return any rows where the "type" column contains either "gene" or "variant".
A named list of filters to apply to the edge data.
An ontology of class ontology_DAG.
Term IDs to include. Can alternatively be an integer, which will be used to randomly sample N terms from the data.
Character vector of term IDs to exclude.
Terms whose descendants should be kept
(including themselves).
Set to NULL
(default) to skip this filtering step.
Terms whose descendants should be removed
(including themselves).
Set to NULL
(default) to skip this filtering step.
Use dag_filter to filter terms.
Additional arguments passed to plot-specific functions.
: filter_
Remove non-standard chromosomes
Remove non-standard chromosomes from a list of GRanges objects.
: filter_
Filter a data.table.
: filter_
Filter a tbl_graph.
: filter_
Filter the monarch knowledge graph to only include edges between specific types of nodes (e.g. Disease <--> Cell).
: filter_
Filter ontology
Filter ontology by terms.
dat <- mtcars
dat2 <- filter_dt(dat, filters=list(cyl=c(4,6)))
#> Filtered 'cyl' : 14 / 32 rows dropped.
if (FALSE) {
g <- get_monarch_kg()
g2 <- filter_kg(g)
ont <- get_ontology("hp")
#> ℹ All local files already up-to-date!
#> Importing cached file: /github/home/.cache/R/KGExplorer/hp-international.owl
#> Adding term metadata.
#> IC_method: IC_offspring
#> Adding ancestor metadata.
#> Getting absolute ontology level for 25,301 IDs.
#> 900 ancestors found at level 2
#> Translating all terms to names.
#> + Returning a vector of terms (same order as input).
#> Converted ontology to: adjacency
#> Getting absolute ontology level for 25,301 IDs.
ont2 <- filter_ontology(ont,terms=c("HP:0000001","HP:0000002"))
ont3 <- filter_ontology(ont,terms=100)
#> Randomly sampling 100 term(s).