Functions to merge data resources.
A list of paired to/from types to filter Monarch association
files by. For example, list(c("gene","disease"))
will return any
files that contains gene-disease associations.
Passes to get_monarch_files.
A list of free-form substring queries to filter files by
(using any column in the metadata).
For example, list("gene_disease","variant_disease")
will return any
files that contain either of the substrings
"gene_disease" or "variant_disease".
Passes to get_monarch_files.
A named list of filters to apply to the node data.
Names should be name of the metadata column, and values should be a vector of
valid options. For example, list("type" = c("gene","variant"))
return any rows where the "type" column contains either "gene" or "variant".
Return the object as a tbl_graph.
Web domain to search for Monarch files.
Subdirectory path to search for Monarch files within
Not used at this time.
Merged data.
: link_
Link Monarch
Construct a knowledge graph by iteratively linking together pairs of concepts across multiple Monarch datasets.