Get uPheno cross-species mapping data by:
Downloading cross-species phenotype-phenotype mappings.
Downloading within-spceies phenotype-gene mappings, and converting these genes to human orthologs.
Merging the phenotype-phenotype and phenotype-gene mappings.
Filtering out any mappings that do not have a human ortholog within each respective phenotype.
Calculating the proportion of orthologous genes overlapping across the species-specific phenotype-gene mappings.
Iterating the above steps using multiple methods
) and concatenating the results together.
Method to use for mapping phenotypes across ontologies.
"upheno"Use uPheno's phenotype-to-phenotype mappings. Contains fewer ontologies but with greater coverage of phenotypes.
"monarch"Use Monarch's phenotype-to-phenotype mappings. Contains more ontologies but with less coverage of phenotypes.
Method to use for mapping genes across species.
"monarch"Use Monarch's gene-to-gene mappings.
Logical indicating whether to keep mappings that do not have any orthologous genes.
Fill missing scores in the "equivalence_score" and "subclass_score" columns with this value. These columns represent the quality of mapping between two phenotypes on a scale from 0-1.
A subset of HPO IDs to include in the final dataset and plots (e.g. c("HP:0001508","HP:0001507")).
Directory to save cached data.
Aggregate the data to to phenotype-level (TRUE). Otherwise, keep data at gene level (FALSE).
Create a new file instead of using any cached files.
A data.table containing the mapped data.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
pheno_map_genes_match <- map_upheno_data()
} # }