Functions to support other functions.
types = c("omim_id", "orphanet_id", "decipher_id", "hpo_id", "gene"),
rm_types = NULL
tag = "latest",
repo = "neurogenomics/KGExplorer",
save_dir = cache_dir(),
add_version = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE
messager(..., v = Sys.getenv("VERBOSE") != "FALSE", parallel = FALSE)
report_filter(g1, g2, cols, suffix = "remain after filtering.")
report_missing(dat, id_col, report_col)
stopper(..., v = TRUE)
Types of IDs to include in the data.
Can be one of the following:
"ontology"Creates an ontology_DAG R object by importing the OBO file directly from the official uPheno GitHub repository.
"bestmatches"Returns a merged table with the best matches between human and non-human homologous phenotypes (from multiple species). Distributed by the official uPheno GitHub repository.
"upheno_mapping"Return a merged table with matches between human and non-human homologous phenotypes (from multiple species). Distributed by the Monarch Initiative server.
tag for the GitHub release to which this data should be attached.
Repository name in format "owner/repo". Defaults to guess_repo()
Directory to save a file to.
Add the release version to the returned object's attributes
Should any local files of the same name be overwritten?
default TRUE
Not used at this time.
Whether to print messages or not.
Whether to enable message print when wrapped in parallelised functions.
Merged data.
Path to downloaded file or the object itself (when ".rds" format).
: utils_
Example data
Construct an example data.table containing diseases, phenotype, and/or genes.
: utils_
Get remote data
Download remotely stored data via pb_download.
: utils_
Print messages
Conditionally print messages. Allows developers to easily control verbosity of functions, and meet Bioconductor requirements that dictate the message must first be stored to a variable before passing to message.
: utils_
: utils_
: utils_
Stop messages
Conditionally print stop messages. Allows developers to easily control verbosity of functions, and meet Bioconductor requirements that dictate the stop message must first be stored to a variable before passing to stop.
dat <- example_dat()