Used after merging results from multiple GWAS studies.
height = 13,
width = 4,
annotLevel = 1,
fill = "-log10(P)",
fileTag = "",
output_path = tempdir(),
qvalue_thresh = NULL,
plotDendro = TRUE,
show_plot = TRUE,
bind_plots = TRUE,
wrap_width = 50,
verbose = TRUE
Cell type data structure containing "specificity_quantiles".
Output from either calculate_celltype_associations or calculate_conditional_celltype_associations.
Height of the output tileplot.
Width of the output tileplot.
Annotation level to plot the results for.
Variable in results
to fill the plot tile colors by.
Passed to aes_string.
String appended to the names of the saved PDFs, i.e. the name of the celltype data file used.
Location where the results should be plotted.
The multiple-testing corrected p-value at
which to filter results (set to NULL
to skip filtering).
Should the dendrogram of celltypes be shown alongside the figure? TRUE or FALSE.
Print to the plot(s).
Bind the list of plots together using wrap_plots.
Width at which to wrap x-axis text labels.
Print messages.
List of two ggplot objects.
res <- MAGMA.Celltyping::enrichment_results[[1]]
results <- res$ctAssocMerged$level1$results
ctd <- ewceData::ctd()
#> see ?ewceData and browseVignettes('ewceData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
tile_res <- magma_tileplot(ctd=ctd, results=results)
#> Saving plot ==> /tmp/RtmpM4LzbN/MAGMA_Figures/Tileplots/CombinedRes_TilePlot_MAGMA_wtDendro_level1_.pdf
#> Warning: Using size for a discrete variable is not advised.
#> Warning: Using size for a discrete variable is not advised.