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MotifPeeker 0.99.4


  • Switch to a smaller file to download in check_ENCODE example.
  • Move some code outside \donttest{} to prevent BiocCheck() error about missing examples.

MotifPeeker 0.99.3


  • Wrap certain examples under \donttest{} to reduce R CMD CHECK runtime.
  • [GitHub] Add CODECOV_TOKEN secret to rworkflows.
  • Skip running tests which require download if offline.

MotifPeeker 0.99.2


  • Substitute system() with system2().
  • Reduce denovo_motifs in examples and tests to reduce R CMD CHECK runtime.
  • Add .BBSoptions to .Rbuildignore.

MotifPeeker 0.99.1


  • .BBSoptions added to skip Windows builders on Bioconductor.

MotifPeeker 0.99.0

New features

  • MotifPeeker submitted to Bioconductor.