Check and get files from ENCODE project. Requires the input to be in ENCODE ID format. Uses BiocFileCache to cache downloads. Only works for files.
- encode_id
A character string specifying the ENCODE ID.
- expect_format
A character string (or a vector) specifying the expected format(s) of the file. If the file is not in the expected format, an error is thrown.
- verbose
A logical indicating whether to print verbose messages while running the function. (default = FALSE)
if (requireNamespace("curl", quietly = TRUE) &&
requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE)) {
check_ENCODE("ENCFF920TXI", expect_format = c("bed", "gz"))
#> BFC2
#> "/github/home/.cache/R/BiocFileCache/37ff4046c23a_ENCFF920TXI.bed.gz"