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This function reads a MACS2/3 narrowPeak or SEACR BED peak file and returns a GRanges object with the peak coordinates and summit.


read_peak_file(peak_file, file_format = "auto", verbose = FALSE)



A character string with the path to the peak file, or a GRanges object created using read_peak_file().


A character string specifying the format of the peak file.

  • "narrowpeak": MACS2/3 narrowPeak format.

  • "bed": SEACR BED format.


A logical indicating whether to print messages.


A GRanges-class object with the peak coordinates and summit.


The summit column is the absolute genomic position of the peak, which is relative to the start position of the sequence range. For SEACR BED files, the summit column is calculated as the midpoint of the max signal region.

See also

GRanges-class for more information on GRanges objects.


macs3_peak_file <- system.file("extdata", "CTCF_ChIP_peaks.narrowPeak",
package = "MotifPeeker")
macs3_peak_read <- read_peak_file(macs3_peak_file)
#> GRanges object with 209 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
#>                    seqnames            ranges strand |             name
#>                       <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> |      <character>
#>     ChIPseq_peak_1    chr10 65672891-65673094      * |   ChIPseq_peak_1
#>     ChIPseq_peak_2    chr10 66112133-66112279      * |   ChIPseq_peak_2
#>     ChIPseq_peak_3    chr10 66180787-66181041      * |   ChIPseq_peak_3
#>     ChIPseq_peak_4    chr10 66215124-66215282      * |   ChIPseq_peak_4
#>     ChIPseq_peak_5    chr10 66277566-66277829      * |   ChIPseq_peak_5
#>                ...      ...               ...    ... .              ...
#>   ChIPseq_peak_205    chr10 74244202-74244399      * | ChIPseq_peak_205
#>   ChIPseq_peak_206    chr10 74266052-74266297      * | ChIPseq_peak_206
#>   ChIPseq_peak_207    chr10 74419925-74420183      * | ChIPseq_peak_207
#>   ChIPseq_peak_208    chr10 74738977-74739145      * | ChIPseq_peak_208
#>   ChIPseq_peak_209    chr10 74826600-74826822      * | ChIPseq_peak_209
#>                        score signalValue    pValue    qValue      peak
#>                    <numeric>   <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
#>     ChIPseq_peak_1       132     9.71581  16.61240  13.21760        91
#>     ChIPseq_peak_2        47     5.72046   7.95781   4.74195        77
#>     ChIPseq_peak_3       250    13.60270  28.62760  25.05950       117
#>     ChIPseq_peak_4        98     7.90847  13.19130   9.85816        52
#>     ChIPseq_peak_5       343    16.08460  38.04630  34.35700       126
#>                ...       ...         ...       ...       ...       ...
#>   ChIPseq_peak_205       144     9.44644  17.88500  14.46760        91
#>   ChIPseq_peak_206       613    21.78070  65.40130  61.39370       110
#>   ChIPseq_peak_207       457    18.43810  49.55520  45.72990       134
#>   ChIPseq_peak_208        66     6.52919   9.93714   6.66903        96
#>   ChIPseq_peak_209       192    11.78170  22.77100  19.28080       112
#>                       summit
#>                    <integer>
#>     ChIPseq_peak_1  65672982
#>     ChIPseq_peak_2  66112210
#>     ChIPseq_peak_3  66180904
#>     ChIPseq_peak_4  66215176
#>     ChIPseq_peak_5  66277692
#>                ...       ...
#>   ChIPseq_peak_205  74244293
#>   ChIPseq_peak_206  74266162
#>   ChIPseq_peak_207  74420059
#>   ChIPseq_peak_208  74739073
#>   ChIPseq_peak_209  74826712
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths