Format scientific species names into a standardised manner.
remove_parentheses = TRUE,
abbrev = FALSE,
remove_subspecies = FALSE,
remove_subspecies_exceptions = c("Canis lupus familiaris"),
split_char = " ",
collapse = " ",
remove_chars = c(" ", ".", "(", ")", "[", "]"),
replace_char = "",
lowercase = FALSE,
trim = "'",
standardise_scientific = FALSE
Species query
(e.g. "human", "homo sapiens", "hsapiens", or 9606).
If given a list, will iterate queries for each item.
Set to NULL
to return all species.
Remove substring within parentheses: e.g. "Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis" --> "Xenopus tropicalis"
Abbreviate all taxonomic levels except the last one: e.g. "Canis lupus familiaris" ==> "C l familiaris"
Only keep the first two taxonomic levels: e.g. "Canis lupus familiaris" --> "Canis lupus"
Selected species to ignore when
e.g. "Canis lupus familiaris" --> "Canis lupus familiaris"
Character to split species names by.
Character to re-collapse species names with after splitting
with split_char
Characters to remove.
Character to replace remove_chars
Make species names all lowercase.
Characters to trim from the beginning/end of each species name.
Automatically sets multiple arguments at once
to create standardised scientific names for each species. Assumes that
is provided in some version of scientific species names:
e.g. "Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis" --> "Xenopus tropicalis"
A named vector where the values are the standardised species names and the names are the original input species names.
species <- c("Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis","Canis lupus familiaris")
species2 <- format_species(species = species, abbrev=TRUE)
species3 <- format_species(species = species,