Aggregate enrichment results from generated by gen_results.
Counts unique entries in count_var
while grouping by group_var
count_var = "hpo_name",
group_var = "CellType",
sep = "; ",
verbose = TRUE
Aggregated data.table
phenos <- subset_results(filters = list(CellType="Microglia"))
#> Subsetting results by q_threshold and effect.
#> Selected CellType :
#> - Microglia
#> Filtered 'CellType' : 25,235 / 25,394 rows dropped.
#> 159 associations remain after filtering.
agg_res <- agg_results(phenos = phenos)
#> Aggregating results by group_var='CellType'
#> Adding HPO names.
#> Translating ontology terms to names.
#> Warning: argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
#> Warning: argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA