Plot the output of prioritise_targets as a grid.
res_class = HPOExplorer::gpt_annot_class(),
n_per_class = 10,
keep_severity_class = c("profound", "severe"),
keep_physical_malformations = NULL,
species_list = c("Homo sapiens", "Macaca mulatta", "Mus musculus", "Danio rerio",
"Drosophila melanogaster", "Caenorhabditis elegans"),
legend.position = "left",
keep_ont_levels = NULL,
width = 70,
widths1 = c(1, 4),
widths2 = c(1, 0.8),
show_plot = TRUE,
output of prioritise_targets.
Output of the gpt_annot_class function.
Number of phenotypes per severity class to include.
Phenotypes to keep based on severity classes.
Phenotypes to keep based on physical malformation frequency (0=never, 1=rarely, 2=often, 3=always).
Species to include in orthologous genes grid.
the default position of legends ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", "inside")
Only keep phenotypes at certain absolute ontology levels to keep. See add_ont_lvl for details.
Width of the saved plot.
Proportional widths of severity annotation heatmap (left subplot) and the top targets/orthologous genes grid (right subplot).
Proportional widths of the top targets/orthologous genes grid.
Print the plot to the console.
Arguments passed on to HPOExplorer::plot_top_phenos
Terms whose descendants should be kept
(including themselves).
Set to NULL
(default) to skip this filtering step.
The order of the annotations to include.
Split the phenotypes by congenital onset (congenital = always/often, noncongenital = never/rarely).
Whether to include x-axis text in top and bottom subplots.
A named list with data and patchwork object.
top_targets <- MSTExplorer::example_targets$top_targets
out <- prioritise_targets_grid(top_targets = top_targets)
#> Mapping cell types to cell ontology terms.
#> Adding stage information.
#> Adding disease_name and disease_description.
#> Translating ontology terms to ids.
#> Reading cached RDS file: phenotype_to_genes.txt
#> + Version: v2024-12-12
#> 383 phenotypes do not have matching HPO IDs.
#> Reading in GPT annotations for 16,753 phenotypes.
#> Assigning severity classes.
#> Adding level-2 ancestor to each HPO ID.
#> Adding ancestor metadata.
#> Ancestor metadata already present. Use force_new=TRUE to overwrite.
#> Translating ontology terms to ids.
#> Keeping descendants of 1 term(s).
#> 18,379 terms remain after filtering.
#> 1,150 associations remain after filtering.
#> Getting absolute ontology level for 19,025 IDs.
#> Adding disease_name and disease_description.
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 17 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Macaca mulatta orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Macaca mulatta
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9544
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Macaca mulatta.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -10 / 7 (-143%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 17 / 7 (243%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 17 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Mus musculus orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Mus musculus
#> 1 organism identified from search: 10090
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Mus musculus.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -10 / 7 (-143%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 17 / 7 (243%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 17 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Danio rerio orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Danio rerio
#> 1 organism identified from search: 7955
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Danio rerio.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -10 / 7 (-143%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 17 / 7 (243%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 17 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Drosophila melanogaster orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Drosophila melanogaster
#> 1 organism identified from search: 7227
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Drosophila melanogaster.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 4 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 4 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> 0 / 7 (0%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 7 / 7 (100%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 17 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Caenorhabditis elegans orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Caenorhabditis elegans
#> 1 organism identified from search: 6239
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Caenorhabditis elegans.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 5 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 5 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Dropping 1 genes that have multiple input_gene per ortholog_gene (many:1).
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -4 / 7 (-57%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 11 / 7 (157%)
#> Adding disease_name and disease_description.
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 13 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Macaca mulatta orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Macaca mulatta
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9544
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Macaca mulatta.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 6 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 6 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -4 / 7 (-57%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 11 / 7 (157%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 13 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Mus musculus orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Mus musculus
#> 1 organism identified from search: 10090
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Mus musculus.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -6 / 7 (-86%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 13 / 7 (186%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 13 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Danio rerio orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Danio rerio
#> 1 organism identified from search: 7955
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Danio rerio.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 7 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -6 / 7 (-86%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 13 / 7 (186%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 13 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Drosophila melanogaster orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Drosophila melanogaster
#> 1 organism identified from search: 7227
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Drosophila melanogaster.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 2 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 2 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> 0 / 7 (0%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 7 / 7 (100%)
#> Preparing gene_df.
#> data.table format detected.
#> Extracting genes from value.
#> 13 genes extracted.
#> Converting human ==> Caenorhabditis elegans orthologs using: homologene
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: human
#> Common name mapping found for human
#> 1 organism identified from search: 9606
#> Retrieving all organisms available in homologene.
#> Mapping species name: Caenorhabditis elegans
#> 1 organism identified from search: 6239
#> Checking for genes without orthologs in Caenorhabditis elegans.
#> Extracting genes from input_gene.
#> 4 genes extracted.
#> Extracting genes from ortholog_gene.
#> 4 genes extracted.
#> Checking for genes without 1:1 orthologs.
#> Filtering gene_df with gene_map
#> Adding input_gene col to gene_df.
#> Adding ortholog_gene col to gene_df.
#> =========== REPORT SUMMARY ===========
#> Total genes dropped after convert_orthologs :
#> -3 / 7 (-43%)
#> Total genes remaining after convert_orthologs :
#> 10 / 7 (143%)