Validate phenotype-cell type associations can making comparisons within and between results from different CellTypeDatasets.

  results = load_example_results(),
  filters = NULL,
  group_var = "ctd",
  celltype_var = "cl_name",
  q_threshold = 0.05,



The cell type-phenotype enrichment results generated by gen_results and merged together with merge_results


A named list, where each element in the list is the name of a column in the data, and the vector within each element represents the values to include in the final data.


A character string specifying the column in results that contains the group variable to compare across.


A character string specifying the column in results that contains the cell type variable to compare across.


The q value threshold to subset the results by.


Additional arguments passed to plot_density_cor.


results <- load_example_results()[,.SD[seq(10000)],by="ctd"]
#### Across CTD ####
out1 <- validate_associations_correlate_ctd(results=results,
#> Mapping cell types to cell ontology terms.
#> Adding stage information.
#> Adding logFC column.
#> Casting results.
#> 13 comparable celltypes.
#> 62 comparable phenotypes.
#> 3 comparable celltypes @FDR<0.05.
#> 4 comparable phenotypes @FDR<0.05.
#> Generating plots.
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'ggside':
#>   method from   
#>   ggplot2
#> Gathering statistics.
#### Within CTD: across developmental stages ####
filters <- list(ctd=c("HumanCellLandscape"), stage=c("Fetus","Adult"))
out2 <- validate_associations_correlate_ctd(results=results,
#> Mapping cell types to cell ontology terms.
#> Adding stage information.
#> Adding logFC column.
#> Filtered 'ctd' : 10,000 / 20,000 rows dropped.
#> Filtered 'stage' : 404 / 10,000 rows dropped.
#> Casting results.
#> 38 comparable celltypes.
#> 81 comparable phenotypes.
#> 9 comparable celltypes @FDR<0.05.
#> 14 comparable phenotypes @FDR<0.05.
#> Generating plots.
#> Gathering statistics.