Get silhouette images of each species from phylopic.
A character vector of species names to query phylopic for.
An integer vector of the same length as species
Lets you choose which image you want to use for each species
(1st, 2nd 3rd, etc.).
Standardise species names with
format_species before querying
phylopic (default: TRUE
Include the image data itself (not just the image UID) in the results.
Accelerate multiple species queries by parallelising across multiple cores.
Return URLs for both the SVG and PNG versions of the image.
Remove image background.
Print messages.
data.frame with:
input_species : Species name (input).
species : Species name (standardised).
uid : Species UID.
url : Image URL.
species <- c("Mus_musculus","Pan_troglodytes","Homo_sapiens")
uids <- get_silhouettes(species = species)
#> Loading required namespace: rphylopic
#> Gathering phylopic silhouettes.