Load the HPO as a precomputed graph.
file = "hpo_igraph.rds",
tag = "latest",
save_dir = tools::R_user_dir(package = "MultiEWCE", which = "cache")
phenos <- HPOExplorer::make_phenos_dataframe(ancestor="All")
g <- HPOExplorer::make_igraph_object(phenos = phenos)
f <- file.path(tempdir(),"hpo_igraph.rds")
saveRDS(g,file = f)
piggyback::pb_upload(file = f,
tag = "latest", repo = "neurogenomics/MultiEWCE")
File to load.
tag for the GitHub release to which this data should be attached.
Where to store the file locally.
graph object
g <- load_hpo_graph()